Even if you try to drive safely, you can’t control the behaviors of others on the road. While an accident attorney can help you if another driver’s negligence causes an accident, it’s much better to avoid such incidents in the first place. Knowing how to respond when you encounter an aggressive driver will help you and others stay safe.
Top 3 Tactics for Dealing With Aggressive Drivers
1. Practice Defensive Driving
As an accident attorney can attest, the best way to avoid a car crash is to practice defensive driving skills. Don’t tailgate, weave in and out of traffic lanes, or drive too slowly in the left passing lane. By being a defensive driver yourself, you can usually prevent most confrontations with aggressive drivers in the first place.
2. Don’t Respond to Aggressive Actions
If someone yells or makes a rude gesture at you, do not engage. Your best response is to typically ignore the behavior and let them pass you. Either slow down or move into an adjacent lane so they can get ahead of you. Don’t take such behaviors personally. If you have a hard time staying calm on the road, consider listening to relaxing music or try seeing aspects from others’ points of view.
3. Know When to Call For Help
In some situations, aggressive drivers won’t leave you alone despite your best efforts. Consider calling the authorities to report the driver. If the driver begins attacking you or seems to be following you, call 911. Stay in public areas where other witnesses are present. This will keep you safe and bolster your case if you need the help of an accident attorney later.
If you need the help of an accident attorney, contact Balderrama Law Firm LLC in Carlsbad, NM. Named a “Top 40 Lawyer Under 40” by the Trial Lawyers Association, Attorney Frank Balderrama covers everything from oilfield to pedestrian accidents. To learn more about his practice areas or to schedule a free case evaluation, visit him online or call (575) 234-1111.