Moving an aging loved one into a nursing home is a huge transition for all parties involved. But family members do it because they know it is in the best interests of their relatives. However, although senior citizens can thrive in the right long-term care facilities, nursing home abuse remains a serious problem around the country. Here is what you need to know about this phenomenon.
A Comprehensive Guide to Nursing Home Abuse
What Are the Different Kinds of Nursing Home Abuse?
There are several kinds of mistreatment that can occur in a long-term care facility, and each of them can cause considerable damage. Nursing home abuse is a broad topic that includes physical, sexual, psychological, and financial abuse. Proving certain kinds of mistreatment may be easier than proving others, but it is possible to recover compensation for any kind of abuse with the help of a strategic attorney.
Can You File a Claim Against Another Resident?
Unfortunately, health care providers are not the only ones who pose a threat to the health and safety of nursing home residents. Preliminary studies indicate resident-to-resident elder abuse is far more common than it should be. Although you can name a resident in your claim, it may be easier to recover compensation from the facility itself for their negligence and failure to intervene.
What Constitutes Neglect in a Nursing Home?
Neglect in a health care setting can be just as damaging as outright physical abuse. Most courts consider neglect the failure to provide a resident with the amenities and services that are essential to health and safety, like nutritional food, clean clothing, adequate supervision, and quality medical care.
How Can You Prove Nursing Home Abuse?
Every case is different, but the strongest evidence in any abuse case is typically documentation. This might include medical records detailing the resident’s declining health and photographs of any visible wounds. If other residents or providers saw the abuse take place, witness testimonies can also contribute to the strength of a claim.
If you think a relative has been the victim of nursing home abuse, turn to a compassionate personal injury attorney at Balderrama Law Firm in Carlsbad and Albuquerque, NM. Their legal team has served clients for a decade now, which has given them considerable experience in all kinds of negligence claims, from medical malpractice to motorcycle accidents. Visit their website or call (575) 234-1111 to schedule a free case evaluation today.